Kids Karate Classes Melbourne Kinder karate 3 and 4-Year Olds

Is a martial arts training program specifically designed for children aged 3 and 4-Year-Old.

Children are taught Traditional Japanese karate in structured classes learning structured movements which become instinctive.

By the end of the program, the student has developed karate skills to progress to our Little Dragons Program for 5 to 7-Year-Olds.

Our school is recognised by The Australian Karate Federation and Victorian Karate Federation. We are affiliated with Kobe Osaka International and Melbourne Karate Clubs.

All our instructors are government trained, have working with children checks and first aid training.

Little Dragons Program 5 to 8 Years olds

Karate is an excellent all-round activity for children. It will not only make them fitter and more co-ordinated, but will also improve their concentration, discipline and self-confidence.
The emphasis is on learning and the children train in a fun environment. The concepts of respect and discipline are adhered to and the children understand they are learning serious skills that are not for “messing around”. They are, however; taught to stand up for themselves and that there is a time and place for using their skills.
It provides them with the opportunity to train with other children their own age, without the pressure of having to keep up with older kids. You will be surprised at how quickly they will develop not only their karate and self-defence skills but also their co-ordination, concentration and confidence.

Young Warrior Karate Programs 9 Years to 15 Years old

These classes are ideal for self-motivating and challenging children to perform above expectations. Classes are structured according to age and skill levels. The student learns to challenge themselves through learning karate skills and testing themselves against each level’s requirements. The student is taught anti-bully skills, self-defence, fitness requirements and behavioural expectations. This builds confidence, independent learning and healthy competition.
Coloured belts are awarded recognising each level of accomplishment that the student feels good about and strives to reach the next level.

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